Finish Off Your Weight Loss Journey With WarmSculpting™ with SculpSure®

You put tremendous effort into attaining and maintaining your ideal body weight. It takes significant changes to eating patterns and a focus on physical activity and exercise. You feel better, have stores of energy, and you’re on the best path toward successfully maintaining good health. 

However, as you get older, your body has its own ideas about how and where it stores fat, and this may be in one of the places where you’re desperately trying to reshape. You can be in ideal condition and still these bulges persist. Fortunately, you no longer need to turn to liposuction or other surgical reshaping. You can meet your body sculpting goals with WarmSculpting™ treatments with SculpSure®

The body sculpting specialists at Bridget Bellingar DO PA & Associates are ready to help you achieve the body of your dreams with non-invasive, zero-downtime treatments — no surgery required.

The power of light energy

Body contouring, also known as nonsurgical liposuction, uses targeted light energy to break down stubborn subdermal fat cells. The energy warms the fat cells, disrupting their cellular structure and causing them to die off, without damaging surrounding tissue. 

Your lymphatic system slowly flushes away the disrupted cells as natural waste, helping you shed those final few inches and pounds keeping you from your body goals. With WarmSculpting treatments, you could finish your weight loss journey in just a few weeks. 

What to expect from WarmSculpting

You know your problem areas. Whether it’s under the chin, on the abdomen, flanks, thighs, or back, WarmSculpting treatments with SculpSure may be the ideal treatment. Dr. Bellingar and her team will discuss your body shaping goals to determine a personalized treatment plan. 

On the day of your treatment, you’ll have a private room for your comfort. You don’t even have to take off clothing except in the area being treated. Dr. Bellingar ensures your comfort, reviews the fat pockets being addressed, then uses the SculpSure device. 

Most patients feel nothing except a little warmth during treatment. WarmSculpting treatments take about 25 minutes per body area, and there are usually no side effects or downtime. You can book an appointment and plan to go right back to your regular activities afterward.

Are you a candidate for WarmSculpting? 

WarmSculpting treatments aren’t intended for excess pounds. Though you may have some incidental weight loss, WarmSculpting is more suitable as a final step in your body contouring journey to get rid of the last stubborn fat cells causing bulges in target areas. 

If you have a BMI over 30, you’ll need to start a weight loss program that can get you closer to your goal weight before implementing WarmScultping treatment.  

WarmSculpting treatments with SculpSure may be the ideal way to finish off your weight loss and body contouring efforts. To learn more about the process and what you can expect, contact Dr. Bellingar and her team to schedule a consultation. You can call the office directly at 727-397-1559 or book an appointment with the handy online tool

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