Turn Back the Clock on Aging Skin With TempSure™

Are you fed up with lotions and creams that promise youthful skin but fail to deliver? That’s because lotions just hydrate, but to really turn back the clock, you need to focus on collagen and elastin. These essential proteins promote youthful skin by helping your skin retain moisture, resist gravity (and the resulting sagging), and stay smooth, soft, and plump.

When you need to boost collagen and elastin production, you need TempSure™ Envi. This noninvasive treatment utilizes cutting-edge technology to help your body produce more collagen. 

Here at Dr. Bridget Bellingar DO & Associates, our team of providers offers TempSure Envi treatments to help you turn back the clock.

How does TempSure Envi work?

It sounds too good to be true, but the technology behind TempSure Envi tightens your skin, reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, and revitalizes your skin. The secret? Radiofrequency energy gently heats the cells within the layers of your skin. As the cells are warmed, they are stimulated and amp up collagen production.

Immediately after your session, you may notice that your skin seems brighter. But as collagen production continues to increase, you’ll see improved results in the coming days and weeks.

Why radiofrequency works better than topical products

It’s tempting to try an anti-aging cream, especially if it also contains collagen. Topical serums do hydrate your skin, but they can’t penetrate as deep as radiofrequency waves can, and it’s below the surface that collagen growth happens.

Bottom line: TempSure Envi can transform your appearance because of its ability to penetrate deep within your skin. TempSure Envi is very effective at targeting your desired treatment area to stimulate collagen production.

Radiofrequency energy doesn’t just deliver the results you want. It’s also safe. According to the American Cancer Society, radiofrequency energy is non-ionizing, which means that the energy can’t damage or eliminate parts of your cells.

Benefits of TempSure Envi treatments

Each TempSure Envi treatment:

  • Is surgery-free
  • Is free from incisions and injections
  • Requires no downtime
  • Is more affordable than traditional face-lift surgery
  • Takes about an hour per session

TempSure Envi is also FDA-approved to firm your skin and reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

Ready to turn back the clock? Try TempSure Envi

If you’re ready to trade in your anti-aging lotions for real results, consider a relaxing TempSure Envi treatment. To turn back the clock without needles, knives, or scars, give us a call today at our Seminole, Florida, office or use our online tool to request an appointment and start looking younger immediately.

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